Martin knew him by his boots, which were shabby old felt ones, goloshed with leather. Martin the Cobbler Movies Preview remove-circle Internet Archive's in-browser video player requires JavaScript to be enabled. Paul Thompson who adapted it from Leo Tolstoy wrote this particular retelling. ;] -- An elderly shoemaker, in despair after the loss of his family, hears the voice of the Lord promising to be his guest on the following day. Martin The Cobbler centers around an old man named Martin who is depressed and lost after the deaths of his wife and son. The cobbler was overjoyed. Too old to work, Martin feels he has nothing to live for until a pilgrim leaves him an ancient book in need of a new binding. Here is a variation on Leo Tolstoy’s story about Martin, the cobbler. The old man was called Stepániteh: a neighbouring tradesman kept him in his house for charity, and his duty was to help the house-porter. Martin the cobbler. Martin glanced at him and then went on with his work. An old Christmas Story about a shoemaker and the visit - adapted from the classic Leo Tolstoy's story, "Martin: the cobbler." Soon, the old man is able to think of others besides himself and sees life in a new light. [Leo Tolstoy, graf; Billy Budd Films. He began to clear away the snow before Martin's window. Immediately, he began sweeping and cleaning his little shop Immediately, he began sweeping and cleaning his little shop without, of course neglecting his work.