Hank gets down to the nitty gritty about meiosis, the special type of cell division that is necessary for sexual reproduction in eukaryotic organisms. From courses like Astronomy to US History and Anatomy & Physiology it's got you covered with an awesome variety of AP high school curriculum topics. It's AP bio made easy. This complete review guide offers a crash course in the stages of mitosis and meiosis, highlights 5 key similarities and differences between the processes, and suggests mitosis and meiosis study tips and review exercises. Use the Crash Course Video on Mitosis to Answer the Following Questions. Again, the names of the phases will not need to be memorized. These video guides do that! Explore the amazing collection here, with new resources and courses added constantly to broaden the reaches of the Crash Course experience. Crash Course is one of the best ways to educate yourself, your classmates, and your family on YouTube! Start studying CrashCourse Biology: Meiosis. Again, the names of the phases will not need to be memorized. The Sex Lives of Nonvascular Plants: Alternation of Generations - Crash Course Biology #36 From Science to Social Studies, Crash Course offers it all in quick-paced, imaginative videos aimed at learners of all ages. Thank you for joining us here on Crash Course Biology/Meiosis. Meiosis: Where the Sex Starts - Crash Course Biology #13 This resource includes a student worksheet to use while watching this CrashCourse episode. Start studying Crash Course Biology #13: Meiosis: Where the Sex Starts. You may also print out the page from the website and fill in the answers. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Please write the questions, highlight your final answer and skip lines if done on loose leaf. CrashCourse videos are excellent resources made by Hank Green, but they do move fast. Thanks to everybody who helped me make this video. • The phases of meiosis vary in a few key ways from those of mitosis, but follow the same general phase order twice. Just click the annotations that are on top of the words next to me. If you want to re-watch anything you can do that now. Otherwise, congratulations on learning stuff and being smarter. Just do it. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. An answer key is included, as well as a transcript of the … Students need something to help them pull and record the key information.