The archaeological record alone is rather opaque. 1298 Battle of Qadash between Egypt and the Hittites (stalemate) 1300 - 1200 BC. B.C. In archaeological terminology, the period of the judges is Iron Age I (1200-1000 BC). 1200–1000 BC – Iron Age I. This book provides a detailed study of the fortifications of the founders of ancient Israel from the time of their first settlement in the Middle East, through the periods of the united and divided kingdoms, until the sack of Jerusalem in 586 BC. Please help us cover our server costs for this year. 1300 Sidon gains fame as a great Phoenician sea port. According to author Robert D. Miller, archaeological surveys and excavations of the central hill country have provided a much clearer picture of daily life in ancient Israel during the time of the Biblical Judges and the early Israelite settlers of Canaan. Fundraiser: Server Costs 2020. Ancient Jerusalem - Interactive Study of Jerusalem with Map. Picture Study Bible - StudyBible with Pictures and Maps. First Century Israel Map - Large Map of Israel in the First Century - Click around on the Cities. Illustrated Bible History - Illustrations, photos, and images of the ancient world of the Bible. We are a non-profit organization and we would rather spend the money on our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. Biblical Near East Egypt Persia Europe Greece Rome India Far East Other. It begins in the period of Israelite settlement in the First Iron Age period (1200-1000 BC). 1300 Abu Simbel (great rock temples) construction begins.