9.000 Athenians and 1.000 Plateans under Miltiades fight against approximately 25.000 … Illustrating the battle position of the - Greek Army - Persian Army - Persian Ships. Linked. 490 BCE: The battle that defined the future of Western Civilization. Categories. Map of the Battle of Marathon, 490 B.C.E. Licence. Herodotos, bk 6, logos 19, Marathon (490 BCE), Miltiades, Phalanx. Creator. Related Links High-resolution versions of our original photographs are available for purchase for you to use in printed publications or elsewhere. Battle of Marathon, (September 490 bce), in the Greco-Persian Wars, decisive battle fought on the Marathon plain of northeastern Attica in which the Athenians, in a single afternoon, repulsed the first Persian invasion of Greece.Command of the hastily assembled Athenian army was vested in 10 generals, each of whom was to hold operational command for one day. The Battle of Marathon was a major battle in the first war between the Greek city-states and the Persian Empire. It marked the end of the first Persian invasion of Greece. 490 BCE. Credits From The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World by Sir Edward S. Creasy, London and Edinburgh: T. Nelson & Sons, 1851. Jona Lendering. Map of the battle of Marathon: Date. This battle in Marathon, Greece, was a decisive Greek victory. Map. Map Description Historical Map of the Battle of Marathon - September 490 BC. Learn about the great Greek victory at the Battle of Marathon. Greece, Persia. Explore the background of the first Persian War and discover the impact of this battle on the development of western civilization. Tags. Today, this location is a beautiful pastoral image, but over two millennia ago, it was the site of an epic and important battle. Battle of Marathon summary. CC0 1.0 Universal. The Persians reached Marathon with their fleet after destroying the city of Eretria. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Persians suffered 6,400 casualties. Ancient Greece. Historical Map of the Battle of Marathon - Initial Situation, September 490 BC; illustrating the Location of Marathon, Plain of Marathon, Bay of Marathon, and the location of the Persian Fleet. It was a major victory for the Greeks, and some historians argue that it is one of the most important battles in the history of the world.