She's a BIG advocate of writing letter and not emails. On Monday, July 30, J.K. Rowling gave a live on-line webcast interview, and she gave out more information as to what happens in the time of the epilogue in Book 7. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child will be the last we see of the Boy Who Lived. Login to reply the answers Post; How do you think about the answers? Ask Question + 100. J.K. Rowling is the creator of the 'Harry Potter' fantasy series, one of the most popular book and film franchises in history. Sign in. J.K. Rowling wrote most of the Harry Potter books in Edinburgh Scotland, and you can still visit many of these places today. JK Rowling sells Edinburgh mansion where she wrote four Harry Potter books for more than £2.25m asking price. 0 0 0. Join. JK Rowling sells Edinburgh mansion where she wrote four Harry Potter books for more than £2.25m asking price. J. K. Rowling is an English author of novels for young people, and caused an overnight sensation with her first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (… Sorceror's Stone in the United States) , which rose to the top of the children's best-seller lists in 1998. Joanne Rowling is the daughter of Peter James Rowling, a Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer, and Anne Rowling, a science technician who was born on 31st July 1965, Yate, Gloucestershire, England, UK. Here's the address to which you can send your fan-mail. Trending Questions. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. J.K. Rowling will always be best known for her stories about a boy wizard and the world he inhabits, but she has written several works outside of the Harry Potter universe. Since the final Potter book came out in 2007, she has kept herself busy. Harry Potter At Home Launches in Response to Covid-19 Emergency J.K. Rowling and her Wizarding World partners have launched Harry Potter At Home today to help children, parents, carers and teachers confined at home during the Covid-19 outbreak. Live Science is supported by its audience. ... Get your answers by asking now. ... the people and places of Portugal inspired J.K. Rowling in creating her magical realm. J.K. Rowling will always be best known for her stories about a boy wizard and the world he inhabits, but she has written several works outside of the Harry Potter universe. She spent her childhood with a younger sister, Dianne in the … * She won't answer questions related to her novels or specific topics. ... Harry Potter fans rejoice — there are two tours about our wizarding hero in New York City right now. Sure. Uh huh. UPDATE: J.K. gives away more secrets! The author and her family now live in … Source(s): Rowling moved to Edinburgh in 1993 and once said in an interview: “…Edinburgh is very much home for me and is the place where Harry evolved over seven books and many, many hours of writing in its cafés.” Register Now. Now, JK Rowling has riled the local residents once again, who complained that she is causing traffic “chaos” by having her garden hedges trimmed.