The Beasts of Barakhai (Books of Barakhai) Mass Market Paperback – August 1, 2002 by Mickey Zucker Reichert (Author) It's a lesson that Collins learns too late, after his hunger and Boy Scout training lead him to kill, butcher, cook and eat an incredibly tame rabbit. Graduate student Benton Collins enters a gateway to a world where people transform into animals daily—whether they want to or not. It's a lesson that Collins learns too late, after his hunger and Boy Scout training lead him to kill, butcher, cook and eat an incredibly tame rabbit. The white rat turns out to be Zylas, a resident of a world called Barakhai, where half of one's life must be spent in animal form. The Beasts of Barakhai book. About The Beasts of Barakhai Here is the exciting first novel in Mickey Zucker Reichert’s acclaimed shapeshifter saga—published simultaneously with the hardcover release of the second and final book. The white rat turns out to be Zylas, a resident of a world called Barakhai, where half of one's life must be spent in animal form. Read 5 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The white rat turns out to be Zylas, a resident of a world called Barakhai, where half of one's life must be spent in animal form.