Woman lengthened on a sofa (Dora Maar) Bust of Woman with Hat (Dora Maar) Portrait of Dora Maar. Seated Woman in Blue Dress. Large, high-quality images. Ok, so here is the reality: this is a portrait, titled La Femme au Chapeau or Woman with a Hat made by Henri Matisse in 1905 of his wife, Amelie Parayre. In this painting, brisk strokes of colour—blues, greens, and reds—form an energetic, expressive view of the woman. Woman with a Hat, 1901 by Pablo Picasso Courtesy of www.PabloPicasso.org: From his earliest days, Picasso developed a broad knowledge of the history of art and was familiar with a wide range of different historical styles. Woman reading couchee (Marie-Therese) Portrait of Jaime Sabartes Grand … Night Fishing at Antibes. Woman with a Hat (Femme au chapeau), 1905 by Henri Matisse Click Image to view detail. Head of a Woman with blue hat red ribbon. He exhibited his famous Woman with the Hat (1905) at the 1905 exhibition. She is depicted in an elaborate outfit with classic attributes of the French bourgeoisie: a gloved arm holding a fan and an elaborate hat atop her head. One of the largest collections of paintings online. Featuring hundreds of artists and thousands of works. First exhibited at the 1905 Salon d'Automne in Paris, Women with a Hat (Femme au chapeau) was at the center of the controversy that led to the christening of the first modern art movement of the twentieth century - Fauvism. WOMAN WITH A BLUE HAT Femme avec un chapeau bleu 1939 More from 1939. Still life with bull skull. Biographies, historical commentary, religious and mythological notes. Portrait of Dora Maar .