In the 1953 comic "Donald Duck in Panama", Scrooge McDuck, checking his horoscope, mentions that he is a Gemini, which … The following characters have given clues about when their birthday occurs but did not give the specific date. The following characters' birthdays have provided clues as to when their birthdays occur by mentioning their astrological signs in the zodiac. Join the online community, create your anime and manga list, read reviews, explore the forums, follow news, and so much more! Search over 100,000 characters using visible traits like hair color, eye color, hair length, age, and gender on Anime Characters Database. Please know that cookies are required to operate and enhance our services as well as for advertising purposes.We value your privacy. 06 Danzo Shimura Deceased at 72. Naruto Characters Birthday List. Sasuke- July 23. You can help speed up this process by adding information relevant to this topic, as long as your edits abide by this wiki’s law book. 04 Indra Ōtsutsuki Deceased. Naruto Uzumaki (うずまきナルト, Uzumaki Naruto) is a shinobi of Konohagakure's Uzumaki clan. What is here is for quick searching and compilation. 08 Hiashi Hyuga 42. 11 - November. 03 Gamabunta. Naruto Character's Birthdays - September and October Birthdays - Wattpad Read September and October Birthdays from the story Naruto Character's Birthdays by Kitcat9136 (Just a bunch of colorless dreamers) with 1,720 reads. Here's a complete guide to all the birthdays in One Piece! No one in Naruto has my birthday which is too bad. Wiki User June 07, 2012 12:17AM. He became the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails on the day of his birth — a fate that caused him to be shunned by most of Konoha throughout his childhood. If you like Anime stuff, you may enjoy these Anime themed Facebook tagging memes . ". see if your birthday twins with your fav anime character. This has different anime's and tells you a characters birthday. Welcome To The Website "Anime Souls" This Website Provide You All Anime Shows And Related News Too Here You Will Get News, cosplay,you Will Get Everything You Want on A Anime Website , We Upload Surveys,Top Characters We Are Looking Forward In Anime World.Kindly Please Support Us For Any Additional Info Contact Us On Facebook (Topic ID: 44729) Search over 100,000 characters using visible traits like hair color, eye color, hair length, age, and gender on Anime Characters Database. ". One Piece characters can be categorized by age, alias, birthday, blood type, bounty, devil … 06 Darui 26. 07 Samui 29. Birthdays for anime and manga character that take place in October ... Find Out Which Fictional Character Shares Your Birthday. posted by Lavender_Eyes03. 02 - Gekkou Hayate 03 - Uzuki Yuugao 05 - Daimyo of the Wind Country 11 - Jiraiya 15 - Rin, Mubi 16 - Kagari 18 - Shizune Which one has yours? Who do you share a birthday with? Naruto All 205 Characters Birthdays And their Ages. What is here is for quick searching and compilation. Other hints. He also mentioned that Cedric the Sorcerer's birthday is in January and that he was born under the Capricorn sign putting his birthday between January 1st and January 19th. When are the naruto characters birthdays? For Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "which Naruto character has the same birth date as yours? Related Questions. Birthdays for anime and manga character that take place in October From mentions in the series, to SBS entries, to databook indications, all birthdays are accounted for! ... October 10, 1962 Masahiko Kida ... if there is anime anime you want to see the birthdays of just comment or message me and i will try my best and add it to this collection There are a few different ways to find characters’ birthdays. If you’re looking for someone, just use… If you want to be absolutely sure, Google the character name with “birthday” to confirm. 10 - October. 01 Might Guy 31.