They have learned a lot from their experience, and are changed for it, but the story has reached a point of stasis, having resolved all of the problems and conflicts created by the rising action. Upper levels can then move on to analyzing short stories, scenes, or chapters in novels. Grade Level All. The Board’s Role in Passing Resolutions. Boards should keep resolutions and certifications with their official books or meeting minutes. For example, “Resolution to Designate Funds of the 2016 Gala Fundraiser to the Marketing Fund.” Use formal language in the body of the resolution, beginning each new paragraph with the word, whereas. Boards are responsible for making major decisions on critical company issues and establishing policies for management. This resolution brings the story back to where it began, the children safe and snug in their beds, away from harm. Extreme spoiler warning, if you haven't read the books or don't want the ending to be spoiled, don't read further. Simple picture books are the best place to start. A board resolution sample can be extremely helpful in writing a board resolution. Preparation. This activity can be done with any book and should be done many times to develop skill in ferreting out how people solve conflicts. Form a title of the resolution that speaks to the issue that you want to document. To practice finding conflict and resolution in books and stories and then analyzing these examples.