He's A Geezer Despite his youthful good looks Legolas is one of the most elderly characters in Tolkien's tale. Despite being such a popular character today, much of the backstory for Legolas remains a mystery. Gimli is one of the many heroes in J.R.R Tolkien's fantasy epic novel, The Lord of the Rings, and in Peter Jackson's film trilogy of the same name respectively. Tolkien clearly wanted a Dwarf, and a Dwarf tied to the events of the previous book in some way, but all those he hadn't killed were too old. Suzanne Davies was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in 1995 and died in 2010. He has lived with Lisa Manning since 2004; they have a daughter, Maia. This distinguished gentleman is Gimli, a 9-year-old lhasa apso who weighs 19 pounds and is potty trained. The best we can do is to say 'He's so old that it is impossible to say say how old he is. After Gandalf was revealed to them, Gimli fell to his knees. He's so old that years weren't invented until he was already an "old man".' 1000, he landed with Olórin, who was on a similar mission of his own.Over time, as the few remaining great Elves of Middle-earth took ship to Aman or fell one by one, only Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond, and Círdan were left of the Wise. Age. The Gimli distillery has 28 fermentation tanks. 1. Gandalf put his hand on Gimli’s head, and the dwarf laughed for the first time recorded during the Quest of the Ring . Gimli felt no reluctance to shoot the “unarmed” old man whom they thought was Saruman, unlike Aragorn and Legolas. Gimli pops into being, then, without too much thought put into how that would affect the established events of The Hobbit. He separated from his wife in the early 1980s; the couple never divorced. When going to Moria, Gimli narrates a lot about his people, recalls an old poem about Durin the Great, the first dwarf. The author never says how old Legolas actually is, but the immortal Elf refers to Aragorn (who is 87 at the start of the quest) and Gimli (pushing 140) as mere "children" compared to himself. Without any direct mention to the contrary, he could also have been born as early as the First Age. Tolkien does not provide a birthdate for Legolas. Tolkien never gives an exact age for Legolas, although he hints several times that Legolas has lived for a very long time. If I had to make a guess, I would say the reason is because Gimli was invented for his role in LotR. This is mentioned in the above link: Direct descendants of the Dúnedain are known to live longer than normal Men. The only LotR characters who are about the same age as Gandalf are Sauron, Morgoth, and Eru Ilúvatar. Gimli is not afraid of any danger. But there are some clues. 16 of them are used to ferment the mash into beer (wash), which is later used for the production of the basic whisky of Gimli. Aragorn is a Dúnadan.. The year of Gimli's birth is given in Appendix A, in the family tree for the Line of Durin, as 2879 of the Third Age (click to embiggen): Appendix B gives the date of the Council of Elrond as October 25, 3018. Glorfindel spent several hundred years in Valinor and for an unknown reason, near T.A. While Legolas' age is never given in Tolkien's writings, some Tolkien scholars have estimated he is at the most 800 – 900 years old by the time of the War of the Ring, and at least 500, though probably more; however, many others disagree on the maximum figure. Based on what Tolkien wrote in the books, he’s 500 at a bare minimum and probably quite a bit older. According to the Lord of the Rings Official Movie Guide by Brian Sibley, Legolas is 2,931 years old, which was a date decided by the screenwriters for the film adaptations. So Gimli is actually almost 140 years old when we first meet him, and is certainly that age by the end of the trilogy. In The Silmarillion, all the Ainur are roughly the same age as Gandalf. And his wish is granted. A good example is Aragorn who, in the movies, tells Éowyn he is 87 years old, although he appears to be relatively young. He supports the idea of going through Moria, as it has always been his dream to see the ancient kingdom with his own eyes. Gimli is very sweet and mellow; he likes to relax next to his person as they enjoy their computer or TV or book or whatever joy passes the day.