It may seem silly to begin a list of steps on how to write a short story with a tip to “write the story,” but let me explain. First, Write the Basic Story in One Sitting. While writing a novel can be a Herculean task, just about anybody can craft—and, most importantly, finish—a short story. There is the art form, “short stories,” which comes complete with characters, plot, description, and style. You have a finite amount of words, which means each sentence is proportionately more important than in a longer piece. There are really two different kinds of stories. PRO-TIP: To read some of the best short stories, head here to find 21 must-read short story collections. How to Write a Short Story. Step 3. 1. For many writers, the short story is the perfect medium. As you start to build your short fiction, remember our cardinal rule of care. But when writing a story of no more than 10,000 words, keep in mind that employing these elements will often require an adjusted approach. Tips for writing a great short story are based on the primary elements of fiction, no matter the length, character, plot, or theme. Write the story.