Philosophy has a great sort of appeal in terms of an artistic or aesthetic organization of concepts. The alcoholic trance is not just a haze, as though the eyes were also unshaven. Browse our selections of quotes about William H. Gass I was struck by the way in which meanings are historically attached to words: it is so accidental, so remote, so twisted. The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the... - William H. Gass quotes at It's a conceptual... - William H. Gass quotes at Best collection of famous William H. Gass quotes. William H. Gass quotes,William, H., Gass, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people My Account Help Add the "Dynamic Daily Quotation" to Your Site or Blog - it's Easy! William H. Gass And the darkness of our bedroom is soon full of the fallen shadows of our failures. It is not a mere buzzing in the ears, a dizzinessor disturbance of balance. One arrives in the garden again, at nursery time, when the gentle animals are fed and in all the world there are only toys. A collection of quotes from American author William H. Gass. quotes and sayings of William H. Gass: Only the slow reader will notice the odd crowd of images-flier, butcher, seal-which have gathered to comment on the aims and activities of the speeding reader, perhaps like gossips at a wedding. I lie in the crack of a book for my comfort... it's what the world offers... please leave me alone to dream as I fancy.