[95] From about 1847 to 1857, in what is now the state of Utah, many Mormons practiced polygamy, which was widely condemned in the rest of the US. No, literally, that's why. Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states. But Utah's law is unique in that a person can be found guilty not just for having two legal marriage licenses, but also for cohabiting with another adult in a marriage-like relationship when already legally married to someone else. It's bigotry and legislative inertia, basically. Are progressives so sure that this is the best approach that they simply accept the traditional narrative? If polygamy is illegal in the U.S., how can the Brown family live the way they do? Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states but not federally. Why not experiment? Kody’s only current legal marriage is with Robyn. Polygamy is only legally accepted in a handful of African, Middle Eastern, and Asian nations. We hated Mormons. Polygamy is the act of having simultaneous multiple relationships or married partners. But why not push those boundaries? The crime is punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both, according to the law of the individual state and the circumstances of the offense. What he has done to girls in the name of polygamy should be—and is—more than enough evidence to show why the Browns’ bid to defeat Utah’s anti-polygamy law is so wrongheaded. It is illegal in the United States. A polygamist is viewed as a chauvinistic character that treats women unjustly. Second, legalizing polygamy is not something that could be effectively done with a single court decision. Well, Kody is technically only married to one woman. Why not try some places out with monogamy, some with polygamy, some with no marriages at all, etc. Because fuck Mormons, that's why. Under a system of gender equality, there is no good reason to deny that we must keep evolving until an adult, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, monogamy or polyamory, race, or religion is free to share love, sex, residence, and marriage (and any of those without the others) with any and all consenting adults. Because fuck Mormons, that's why. I'm not a supportive of polygamy, but I don't understand why it is illegal if it's between consenting adults. If polygamy is legal, then each spouse would be recognized as would the children, the result would be chaos for the insurance companies who currently make huge profits would have to pay out greater benefits. Polygamy is illegal in all 50 states but not federally. As for your question. The Utah Brown decision, if upheld on appeal, is the only kind of legal protection most polygamists are after. He is already trying the FLDS’s familiar tactic of accusing everyone around him of bias so as to deflect attention from his own crimes. [95] From about 1847 to 1857, in what is now the state of Utah, many Mormons practiced polygamy, which was widely condemned in the rest of the US. Polygamy is the act or condition of a person marrying another person while still being lawfully married to another spouse. • Why I believe polygamy continues to be illegal, economics. Well I think it is because people relate polygamy with a creepy 50 year old with 20 sixteen year old wives. If polygamy is legal, then each spouse would be recognized as would the children, the result would be chaos for the insurance companies who currently make huge profits would have to pay out greater benefits. Why is it illegal? The vast majority of polygamists simply want decriminalization of polygamy, which is a very different thing from legalization. Polygamy is considered illegal in many countries because it is viewed as an immoral act against women. It's strange to me that so many people from the Judeo-Christian faith are opposed to gay marriage because they believe it is a sin, but yet some of the heroes of the Old Testament were polygamists and that has been illegal for years. And then rigorously test the happiness and well-being of those societies. • Why I believe polygamy continues to be illegal, economics. We hated Mormons. To legalize polygamy does not mean that it has to be mandatory! No, literally, that's why. In most nations, polygamy is illegal.