In The Velveteen Rabbit, a toy becomes Real when it finds a child who really, truly loves it. The Velveteen Rabbit was feeling insignificant and… Why would a story about a stuffed rabbit that becomes a real rabbit be a good story to read to children? For some of us, one of life's greatest struggles is being authentic and transparent in our relationships: in other words, being real. 3. I believe part of the answer can be found in the children's story, "The Velveteen Rabbit." When it comes to Christian allegories that can be understood and enjoyed by children, you cannot go wrong with The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams. Twenty years ago, I became fascinated by that thought as I read "The Velveteen Rabbit." If they did, we wouldn’t allow kids to play with stuffed tigers, or stuffed bears that are constantly looking for pots of honey. Our world is made up of a constant cacophony of voices. Children are thrust into the same situations that the rabbit finds himself in. They were real. Why is this is so hard for us? Now, being Real means something different in Williams' book. The Velveteen Christian. It is brought to you by Stories to Grow by. And how is this a Christian fairy tale? “Once you are Real you can't become unreal again. The Velveteen Rabbit (or How Toys Become Real) is a British children's book written by Margery Williams (also known as Margery Williams Bianco) and illustrated by William Nicholson.It chronicles the story of a stuffed rabbit's desire to become real through the love of his owner. We should call them Christians." Being real is not easy! This is the Fairy Tale story of the Velveteen Rabbit, or How Toys Became Real. The Velveteen Rabbit has been called "an allegory about human love and human childhood" (3). The Velveteen Rabbit A timeless classic perfect for Easter about the magic of boundless love that's been treasured for generations! Truth, lies, myths, imaginations, and opinions fill our world with dissidence and confusion. The book was first published in 1922 and has been republished many times since. Lessons on Love and Eternity from The Velveteen Rabbit Through this classic tale, we can learn more about ourselves, our relationship with others, and our relationship with God. Stuffed animals don’t become real animals. March 17, 2017 / Comments Off on The Velveteen Christian. We have information overload. A soft and fluffy Velveteen Rabbit lived in a toybox in a Boy's room. The Velveteen Rabbit, Margery Williams.