In formal writing, your tone should be clear, concise, confident, and courteous. In an ironic way intended to mock or convey contempt. Synonyms for accusing at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Different from tone, these words describe the force or quality of … Here the expression is in a different tone Feel free to also suggest additional topics and we will create a new list! In creative writing, your tone is more subjective, but you should always aim to communicate clearly. Stop him!" For example, an invitation to a graduation might use formal language, whereas a biology text would use scientific and clinical language. words used in a text, not simply isolated bits of diction, imagery, or detail. Thank you for using TONE WORD LIST Directions: Read each of the tone words below. With a yellow highlighter, highlight any words that have a neutral connotation. The writing level should be sophisticated, but not pretentious. Of course, the meaning of a word sometimes changes according to its usage, but generally words have positive, negative, or neutral connotations. The cattle came upon me with like suddenness, staring out of their eyes, and steaming out of their nostrils, "Holloa, young thief!" Start studying Tone Words. Take a look at this ultimate list of tone words to prepare you for the AP® English Composition Exam: Find descriptive alternatives for accusing. Genre sometimes determines the … Sarcastically an adverb . With an orange highlighter, highlight any words that have a negative connotation. Do you have additional describing words that should go on this list? With a green highlighter, highlight any words that have a positive connotation. The tone, or quality of feeling, conveyed by a word can range according to its general meaning. Sarcasm a noun. Sarcastic an adjective . Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Please contact us and we will add it shortly.