), alpha/beta/omega fics bring the heat (heh) to any ship. I dunno, this finale left me a bit... Underwhelmed? Okay guys, this story is inspired by the game Call of Duty:Ghosts, so if you already play that game, you might already know that i will put some factions in here, like Federations and for the Ghosts, i changed it into STALKERS, and there are one more team in here, which is the Alpha enjoy! Starting at the beginning... Everyone's in … Films Alpha and Omega (2010) Main article: Alpha and Omega Humphrey and Kate have been best friends for a long time until one day, Kate leaves to train at Alpha School.Months later, Humphrey and Kate encounter each other as teenagers for the first time in a long time. The writers must have had a blast. Welcome to Alpha and Omega Wiki, a collaborative encyclopedia for everything and anything that is related to the Alpha and Omega franchise.There are 248 articles and we're still growing since this wiki was founded in 2010. Okay, WTF??!! The wiki format allows anyone to create or edit any article so we can all work together to create a comprehensive database for Alpha and Omega! In Alpha and Omega, the most enjoyable was the entire principal cast interacting in close quarters. There were tricks we did with eggs, as children, to show how they were, in reality, tiny load-bearing marble halls; while the … Whether its for the knot kink, or simply an avid interest in the social workings of a biologically stratified society (its fascinating, okay! Maybe it was the pacing, maybe it also was about some of the outcome. SPN 11.23 Alpha and Omega It occurs to me that the peculiarity of most things we think of as fragile is how tough they truly are. Found Another Anyhow by tebtosca Jared hates to… Here are some favourites and must-reads. I have to say this season season 11 finale was an absolute pleasure to watch, as was the balance of the season. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works In Jasper National Park, the wolves, Kate and Humphrey, have known each other since puppyhood, but they are on the oppose ends of the Western Pack's social structure with Kate as the energetic Alpha daughter of the pack leader and Humphrey being the good humoured Omega.