If you’re a fan of survival-horror, it’s a Sega Saturn exclusive. ... sega saturn taisen cable success! Sega Saturn was a misunderstood machine, whose exceptional handling of the two dimensions was underestimated at the time when the polygons were beginning to be the kings of the mambo. Great Savings Free Delivery / Collection on many items The dark gothic landscape of the cult film starring Brandon Lee is created with some of the most incredibly detailed graphics yet seen in 32-bit gaming. We dive into the Sega Saturn’s underappreciated deep sea horror cult hit, ‘Deep Fear,’ right in time for its 20th anniversary. Deep Fear (ディープフィアー) is a 1998 Survival-Horror video game developed for the Sega Saturn.. 8 comments. What are you talking about? The original zombie-filled survival horror that sold so many PlayStations with its cinematic take on tank-controlled ammo-hunting saw conversion to Saturn in a slightly upgraded form. save hide report. Deep Fear, like a lot of Sega Saturn games, is unlikely to see a re-release. Does Enemy Zero count as survival horror? 27. It seems that the final game in Europe was Deep Fear, a survival horror game by Sega AM7 based in an underwater facility full of mutated baddies. The Sega Saturn didn’t get much exclusive survival-horror games, but Deep Fear is a great, accessible game. Plot Edit. 1 hour ago. Welcome to space, welcome to the sixth planet of the solar system, welcome … To the 20 best Sega Saturn … What about Alone in the Dark (2)? But there’s better places to play the game. PAL Sega Saturn Games List Monday, January 09, 2012 PixellationMagazine No comments This is a PAL Sega Saturn Games list that i started over a year ago now, i have cross-referenced it against many other lists to root out mistakes and make sure it is correct. “A monster! share. Buy Survival Horror Sega Saturn Video Games and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! Resident Evil feels a lot more polished. It’s first-person with real-time 3D survival sections and on-rails FMV adventure parts. Anyway…” Even the most committed of gamers can have a number of blind spots and Sega’s 32-bit console, the Saturn, was a … Saturn Game: 2 used & new from £22.95 Guaranteed A supernatural vigilante is on the prowl for unearthly revenge! The game takes place 300 meters below the surface of the Pacific Ocean in a naval fueling and research facility, the SSB-01..