Many of these tools are available for free online. Make sure that you remember to add a topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph to introduce the topic, transition words between ideas (i.e. Your kids can use the writing webs, chronological order … Help your students write cohesive multi-paragraph arguments about any topic with this six-page organizer. These range from making a persuasive argument to mapping out an engaging story. Printable Graphic Organizers Help your students organize their writing with venn diagrams, story maps, and more. Graphic Organizer for Persuasive Paragraph Topic Sentence (state your opinion) Reasons to Support Your Opinion • • • • • Closing Sentence (restate your opinion) Title: Persuasive Paragraph Outline Subject: This graphic organizer guides students through the steps needed to write an effective persuasive paragraph. Use this plan to prepare the content of your essay. Directions: Use the following graphic organizer to help you develop an effective and logical persuasive paragraph. Examples: Back up/explain your evidence with supporting details. Argumentative Essay Topics Argumentative Essay Outlines Print Blank Venn Diagrams Cause and Effect Graphic Organizers Story Starter Graphic Organizers Graphic Organizers for Writing Return from persuasive essay graphic organizer to the homepage. When the student is done filling out the graphic organizer, they can simply type the sentences from each b Evidence: Provide evidence to prove your thesis. PERSUASIVE WRITING PLAN Persuasive Essay: Graphic Organizer Name: Pick an essay topic that is important to you. Body Paragraph Graphic Organizer Topic Sentence: Introduce the main idea of this paragraph and directly relates to the thesis in the introduction paragraph. State your opinion clearly, giving your reasons with two to three supporting facts. Use this Paragraph Graphic Organizer to help write a one-paragraph essay with a topic sentence, three details, and a concluding sentence. ©Creativewriting … There are as many different kinds of graphic organizers as there are types of writing. It’s important to look for a graphic organizer that matches your child’s writing assignment. Closing Sentence: Finial sentence of your paragraph and wraps it up. Persuasive writing won't teach itself, but this graphic organizer will definitely help. Use this graphic organizer to develop a persuasive stance for an essay, speech, poster, or any type of assignment that incorporates persuasion.