In addition to reopening the coal mines, a part of Lister’s plan to help her family is to marry well. The Mexican Highland of the Intermontane Plateaus characterize the geomorphology of the surrounding area. The Unsolved Mystery Of California's Idle Diamond Mine ... And yet another mystery is the fact that when Cooney died twenty years later on November 18, 1929, in Salem, Oregon, at the age of ninety, he was a pauper. ... Lost Frenchman's Mine in Bald Hills east of Cottonwood in Shasta County. The mine involved is usually of a high-value commodity such as gold, silver or diamonds. Another story that may have its place in this Lost Cabin Mine mystery starts in the year of 1863 with two Frenchmen… As the tale goes, two Frenchmen found a very rich placer discovery somewhere in the mountains of southern Oregon. Among the papers … It's a Small size geocache, with difficulty of 1.5, terrain of 3.5. 8 kid-friendly hikes in the rogue valley; 5 more great southern oregon hikes to do with kids. Note: Some sites listed below may have prohibitions against prospecting. If you would like to share a gold lead or lost treasure story, please send it to us via our Contact form. The Lost Dutchman gold mine is believed to be nearby. In Quest of the Blue Bucket Mine May 02, 1919 Three days ox team journey from the grave of Mrs. beautiful hikes, walks & drive to view fall foliage in southern oregon. Does anyone have info about the Lost Frenchmen Mine out of Oakridge, OR? What was the mans name who found the mine while working for the Forest Service? Exercise care when retrieving cache from the "mine", there is loose rock around. Buy today. hiking roxy ann - our love affair with medford Soon after, a skirmish took place and eight of the ten Frenchmen were killed.The story seemed to be lost to history until about 1829, when a relative of one of the two Frenchmen who escaped the ordeal found memorandums of his uncle's adventures. The Lost Log Cabin Placer Mine, operated by two Frenchman killed in an Indian attack, is located somewhere on a tributary of the Willamette River. We're joined by another local Susanville rockhounder, Scott Cavin, who can be seen here examining the tailings piles of our first objective: the old Last Chance Copper Mining District on the bank of Spring Creek, up above Frenchman Lake. Buried Treasures You Can Find Buried Treasures You Can Find A reference guide to more than 7500 locations in all 50 states Some people find treasures by luck (but not many). Lost mines are a popular form of lost treasure legend. Lost Frenchman Mine (GC12C80) was created by Arielites on 4/22/2007. rainie falls - hiking with kids. our waterfalls, one day - hiking adventures with kids. This mine has attracted much attention in recent months, or since its more recent develooment, by reason of the very rich ore that is being taken from it, and the further fact that it is believed to be the re-discovery of the "Lost Frenchman's Ledge", a lost cabin legend of the early days.