James Joyce: Master of Literary Mindfulness Dr. Ian Ellis-Jones blogs about stream of consciousness writing—where the thoughts and feelings of a character are presented as they happen... from moment to moment. After better understanding the meaning of the phrase, I chose this quote from Ulysses. Read the following excerpt: In the following example of stream of consciousness from James Joyce's Ulysses, Molly seeks sleep: . Stream of Consciousness as a Narrative Technique in Ulysses Ulysses by James Joyce written in 1922 is a masterpiece which outstands many major works of modern literature in style, structure, theme and nearly all elements. 18 Stream of Consciousness in James Joyce's ULYSSES, with Selda Berk, Hacettepe U., MA Assignment,1979.pdf James Joyce’s famous novel, Ulysses, is known for its vast use of the stream of consciousness as proposed by William James. a quarter after what an unearthly hour I suppose theyre just getting up in China now combing out their pigtails for the day well soon have the nuns ringing the angelus theyve nobody coming in to spoil their sleep except an odd priest or two for his night office the alarmlock next … When first investigating the assignment I was unclear as to what would remind me of the stream of consciousness. James Joyce’s Method—Regarding the “Stream of Consciousness” (Jeimuzu Joisu no metōdo “ishiki no nagare” ni tsuite) is an article published in June 1930 in the journal Shi, genjitsu by the author and literary critic Itō Sei (1905-1969), who was also one of a team of three Japanese translators that prepared the first Japanese translation of Ulysses in 1931. The following is the commentary extracted from the concluding section of Episode 3 in Ulysses Uncovered.It discusses the technique of stream of consciousness as applied by James Joyce in Ulysses: The text is full of many references, most of them oblique and hidden. Essay on Stream of Consciousness Technique in James Joyce's "Ulysses" Let us analyze a few examples of the stream of consciousness narrative technique in literature: Example #1: Ulysses (By James Joyce) James Joyce successfully employs the narrative mode in his novel Ulysses, which describes a day in the life of a middle-aged Jew, Mr. Leopold Broom, living in Dublin, Ireland. This style of writing produces valuable works of literature, but it's also a great technique to get … Stream of consciousness in literature expresses an individual’s sensory impressions and thoughts seemingly as they happen, without revision.