50 Innovation and Success Quotes from SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Take a peek inside the mind of a genius with these success quotes from Elon Musk. All of the quotes in this answer come from Ashlee Vance’s book, Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future. Share with your friends. Elon Musk sent an email out to Tesla, verified by CNBC (thank you) and shown in its full glory here. In a word, Musk is uncompromising. Elon Musk believes the way to get ahead in business is to walk out of meetings if they go on for too long. Walk out of a meeting … Enjoy the best Elon Musk Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Elon Musk, South African Businessman, Born June 28, 1971. Elon Musk Knows How to Run a Meeting. ... Elon Musk has managed to take his company from relative unknown to one of the most valuable automakers in the world. Elon Musk wants staff to cut short unproductive phone calls and meetings as he aims to boost production of the Tesla Model 3 over the next few months. ... Meeting frequency should drop rapidly once the urgent matter is resolved. Thanks for writing such an excellent book, Ashlee! By … Elon Musk has reportedly used a brutal tactic to keep from wasting time in meetings. Here's How He Does It. Musk’s direct quotes in … Musk was making a clear statement that meetings – and more generally, poor communication – wastes time. The bulk and beauty of the email was his thoughtful disdain of meetings.