How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Your Face, Whether They're From Melasma, Acne, Or Just Plain Getting Older It is the fastest most effective stomach flu fighter you can find. Cinnamon contains antioxidants, antimicrobial, antifungal and other such properties. When the water cools use the concoction on the face and allow it to rest for ten minutes. Cinnamon is a spice which is used in traditional medicines since ages. These are all great benefits, but when it comes to cinnamon for skin lightening, the antioxidants are the best. It can also irritate sensitive skin. Treating the surface of your skin can improve the appearance of the pigmentation, but if you want to eliminate the melasma completely and make sure it doesn’t come back, you’ve got to target the cause. Household Uses for Cinnamon. You probably never knew that Cinnamon is the best remedy for stomach flu. Keep cinnamon—specifically cassia cinnamon—stocked in your spice cabinet and use it for everything from soothing upset tummies to taming troublesome pests. If you follow the instructions properly you will feel much better within an hour. It is a spice which gives a strong aroma and taste to your dishes. Scent of the Season: In a reusable squirt bottle, combine water with a few drops of cinnamon essential oil. Also, cinnamon suits best for sensitive skin. They support the natural healing and repair of damaged cells which we see with scars and spots. Benefits of Cinnamon for Skin. Here’s 6 uses of cinnamon and honey for face! Uses of Cinnamon for Skin Care #1: Stops Acne Get rid of acne problems right now! Read on to know the natural remedies to make yourself beautiful using secret ingredient cinnamon! CINNAMON FOR STOMACH FLU. The olive oil and sugar hydrate your lips and prevent them from getting chapped. Cinnamon is a natural exfoliant for your lips; it reduces the dead skin cells and gives you lighter lips. Note: Cinnamon is one of the most common spice allergy triggers. But many people still do not know the beauty and skin care benefits of cinnamon but cinnamon is a huge reservoir of beauty enhancing properties. Within a few hours it will be a distant memory. Cinnamon is one of the proven home remedy to stop acne. What Causes Melasma & Hyperpigmentation Spray in any room to eliminate odor. Soaking in a tub of warm water mixed with six teaspoons each of nutmeg and cinnamon powder for about ten minutes enables skin rejuvenation. Simple and Effective Skin Care Recipes Using Nutmeg or Jaiphal. Let us see some benefits of cinnamon on the face to achieve beautiful and healthy skin. The citric acid in lemon clears skin pigmentation.