Similarly, automatic knives and assisted-opening knives … Fixed blades are excellent for this purpose because they don’t require you to open them in order to use them. That’s why, in our opinion, the best self-defense knives are those that can be deployed quickly. Thankfully, there are a ton of options on the market for sturdy tactical combat knives suited to dire circumstances. Combat Knives. The thing that tends to trip people up when having these discusions is that they tend to combine the idea of a fighting knife and a utility knife and try to call it a fighting knife. Since the end of trench warfare, most military combat knives have been secondarily designed for utility use (clearing foliage, chopping branches for cover, opening ammunition crates, etc.) Knife Center has some of the most popular and best tactical knives that were made with our troops and your wallet in mind. See a knife you really want, but can’t shell out the cash all at once? That being said, some are most certainly more well-suited than others. in addition to their main purpose of close combat weapons. So with that said, let’s go over some of the best tactical knives on the market today. A combat knife (also called a fighting knife, or a tactical knife) is a knife specifically designed for military personal. That means, it might not be the “absolute best” tactical knife but instead, it’s a fantastic, excellent, badass tactical knife at an insanely affordable price point. To take advantage, follow the steps below: Make sure the knife is marked “Payment Plan Eligible” Contact KnifeCenter Customer Service at 800-338-6799 Our collection of great combat knives has it all - including folding combat knives, combat boot knives, and the best neck knives. Since the end of trench warfare, however, the majority of military knives are now designed for multiple functions (such as chopping branches, opening ammunition crates, etc.) Knives touted and sold as tactical knives or combat knives by knife factories, boutique shops, and importers is a huge business, netting over a billion dollars a year. The market is directed somewhat toward military and professional knife users, but mostly toward civilian knife buyers that just want a tactical-looking knife. A combat knife is a fighting knife designed solely for military use and primarily intended for hand-to-hand or close combat fighting. So for me, I look for the best tactical knife at the best price. Of course, while the best knife for the job is the one you have on you, it definitely helps if that blade was built for just such an occasion. The Fairbairn Sykes knife is recognized as the true purpose built fighting knife that all other modern day "fighting" knives have evolved from in one way or another. We now offer 60-day payment plans on most knives over $349.