Bar Graph vs Histogram. It can be done either numerically using descriptive measures or graphically using the pie graphs, bar graphs, and many other graphical representation methods. A Bar chart is made up of bars plotted on a graph. Bar Graph vs Histogram . Histogram is a chart representing a frequency distribution; heights of the bars represent observed frequencies. The fundamental difference between histogram and bar graph will help you to identify the two easily is that there are gaps between bars in a bar graph but in the histogram, the bars are adjacent to each other. They also help show some patterns which are not readily seen when data is not organized in such way. It is a chart wherein each bar is in proportion to the value that it represents. Bar graphs are used to help organize data and information. Histogram chart. In the previous screenshot, bin value is set to 20, so the x-axis is split with 20 as the interval. Firstly, a bar chart displays and compares categorical data, while a histogram accurately shows the distribution of quantitative data. In statistics, summarizing and presentation of the data is important. In other words a histogram is a graphical display of data using bars of different heights. A bar graph, (or a bar chart, as it is sometimes referred to) is a way of showing a comparison of values. The first bar represents that there are 10 values lying between 0 and 20 in the provided data. Unlike bar charts that present distinct variables, the elements in a histogram are grouped together and are considered ranges.