I had been reading about the storm and decided to pray about it. Breakthrough Prophetic Word for August 2019 His Kingdom Prophecy Posted on August 1, 2019 by Prophet Russell Walden August 11, 2019 The Father says today that your days of washing your nets and catching nothing are over. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I think it may bring you a blessing. Do you know what is inside of you? I am calling you back to your Please read it prayerfully and weigh it carefully. Posted on August 31, 2019 September 3, 2019. Bolz is considered by many to have a prophetic voice in Charismatic circles. Prophetic Word for New Birth August 2019 My sons and daughters examine yourselves daily. In a Garden is My delight falling upon you. Stop and look again. Discoveries lead to breakthroughs, inventions and innovations. "Prophecy Decoders: Heidi Baker Prophecy from 2015 in America - People With Beautiful Clothing Suddenly in Need of Food" Heidi Baker and The Elijah List | Apr 9, 2020 Prophetic Words By Lana Vawser Ministries August 20, 2019 Over the past week and into this week the intensity is increasing in me regarding the miracle working power of God. Vision 179 – Storm Warnings Are Urgent Prayer Requests. 2019 is going to be a year characterized by discovery of the ‘more’ God has made available for you. The Father says, In a Garden are you found. Your portion is not the low moments. My friend and colleague David Noakes and I have worked together in the prophetic Ministry since the early 1980s. Prophecy Dreams Visions. On March 10th, I published an article on a prophetic word released by Shawn Bolz about COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. He said, “This is the time for this Word to be fulfilled.” You know that there is always the time, perfect time for the prophetic word to be seen in a physical realm. What people have told you was a failure was not in reality. This is going to be a very short no frills word. God reminded me of a prophetic word He gave me which I shared with few people and told me to find it. Look again. You are more than you see on the outside. I appreciate his willingness to put his prophetic gifting on the line like this because his prophetic word was in utter contrast… Let Me show you all that I have been up to in your life. This is “launching out into the deep” time for you says the Father. Daily Prophetic Word August 18, 2019. July 31, 2019. Breakthrough Word for August 2019 (Video) 3. This vision is different as it came about starting with prayer for those in the path of hurricane Dorian. Business as usual and the status quo of defeat are now swept out of the way in advance of the proceeding word that I bring over your life this very moment. "Prophecy Decoders: Heidi Baker Prophecy from 2015 in America - People With Beautiful Clothing Suddenly in Need of Food" Heidi Baker and The Elijah List | Apr 9, 2020 You are a custom-tailored vessel that the enemy seeks to destroy, but he can never have his way with you. You are priceless and cannot be duplicated. Month: August 2019. The Father says today that your days of washing your nets and catching nothing are over. This is the prophetic word for August 2019 also Tammuz 5779 on the Hebraic Calendar. This is the prophetic word for July 2019. I asked the Lord for a picture of where the body of Christ is in this season and I saw a forest that had snow on the ground but the sun was coming out just over the top of it. David received a word this week which I commend to all our readers. This word is from an encounter I had with the Lord as I was in prayer and it has 2 different applications. 3 Prophetic Words for 2019 Prophetic Word #1: 2019 is a Year of Discovery ‘Discovery’ means something is already waiting—it already exists and is awaiting you. There is such a deep stirring within me of God breaking down impossibilities and turning around that which looks like it …