Those would be Bend, Oregon; Jackson, Mississippi; and Honolulu, Hawaii. Today, Mt. Cascades Volcano Observatory's mission The U.S. Geological Survey's Cascades Volcano Observatory strives to serve the national interest by helping people to live knowledgeably and safely with volcanoes in WA, OR, and ID. The Volcano Adventure Guide: Excellent information and background for anyone wishing to visit active volcanoes safely and enjoyably. There are over 500 volcanoes on Earth that fit this category today. Guaranteed tours: Dormant or resting volcanoes are not currently erupting but are considered likely to do so. How many active volcanoes are in Oregon? Next on the list are Mount Hood (six) and the Three Sisters volcanic center (seven), both of which are part of the Cascade Range in Oregon. Mt. Oregon is getting some interesting attention for its volcanoes – three of our state’s volcanoes made National Geographic’s list of America’s Ten Most Dangerous Volcanoes.The list was created by government experts, taking into account scientific data and proximity to population … Oregon: Oregon is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Trivia: Which three other U.S. cities also have a volcano within city limits? The United States is home to 161 active volcanoes, many of which form a line along the west coast through California, Oregon, Washington and … The book presents guidelines to visiting 42 different volcanoes around the world. St. Helens had been dormant for one hundred twenty-three years before it erupted in 1980. Tabor Park covers 190 acres of greenery and is a popular spot for people to go on sunny weekends to relax and play. Active volcanoes are either currently erupting or have erupted in recorded history. National Geographic Named These 3 Oregon Volcanoes As Some Of The Most Dangerous In America. Things To Do in Mount Tabor Park in Portland, Oregon. It borders Washington, Idaho, California, and Nevada. In this week’s Volcano Watch article – as well as a recent radio interview – the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory is again saying that the 2018 eruption of Kīlauea Volcano was not triggered by Puna Geothermal Venture. Listening for rumbles and belches.