A Twist in the Tale is a 1988 collection of short stories by British author and politician Jeffrey Archer. Fresh fish and fat prey! eNotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of A Twist in the Tale. Jeffrey Archer stated in the book that ten of the short stories are based on known incidents plus some embellishment and only two of the stories are a result of his own imagination. Put on your diving suit, explore a pleasant paradise under the sea and don't mind the massive shark: this predator is not out for a bite – instead it wants to bring you Twist winnings! A Twist in the Tale is a collection of 12 short stories with a twist in the end for each story. In Ocean Tale you make a big splash by harvesting gleaming Twist treasures at the bottom of the ocean on 5 reels and up to 25 win lines. The collection contains 12 stories, which are listed below. This one-page guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of A Twist in the Tale by Jeffrey Archer. Buy Study Guide. While this book is not his best work I still loved reading each story. His mother, whose name no one knows, is found on the street and dies just after Oliver’s birth. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of The Handmaid’s Tale. A Twist in the Tale is a book of short stories by Jeffrey Archer. SparkNotes is here for you We’ve got everything you need to ace (or teach!) Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s England. First published in 1988, this collection of mystery and thriller stories focuses on characters like philandering husbands and … Complete summary of Jeffrey Archer's A Twist in the Tale. ... Reading the following plot summary till the end may spoil the 'Twist in the Tale' characteristic of the Jeffery Archer stories. Oliver is born in a workhouse, to a mother not known to anyone in the town. Join Philip, Lucy-Ann, Dinah and Jack on a spectacular series of adventures, as they set out on holiday to discover mysterious islands, navigate treacherous rivers, scale craggy mountain tops, and even find time to escape with the circus. Oliver Twist Summary. Dickens used this novel as a means of social criticism after the adoption of the Poor Law of 1834. online classes and beat boredom while you’re social distancing. Summary. Oliver spends the first nine years of his life in a badly run home for young orphans and then is transferred to a workhouse for adults. Oliver Twist is the story of a young orphan, Oliver, and his attempts to stay good in a society that refuses to help. A short summary of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid’s Tale. Oliver Twist, published serially from 1837 to 1839, follows the titular character Oliver, a poor orphan, as he is faced with a number of unfortunate events, all of which are a result of his poverty.