In this exciting collection, bestselling authors Meg Cabot (How to Be Popular), Kim Harrison (A Fistful of Charms), Michele Jaffe (Bad Kitty), Stephenie Meyer (Twilight), and Lauren Myracle (ttyl) take bad prom nights to a whole new level—a paranormally bad level. I picked this up after reading the sister anthology, Love Is Hell, which I enjoyed a great deal. Paranormally bad prom nights Description Edit. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Prom Nights from Hell at Prom Nights from Hell read online free from your Pc or Mobile. Prom Nights from Hell is a Young Adult novel by Stephenie Meyer. Post su Prom nights from Hell scritto da valechaos. Ormai conclusa la saga di Twilight, in attesa del tanto sognato Midnight Sun, Stephenie Meyer accontenta le sue fan con un nuovo lavoro: una raccolta dal titolo Danze dall’inferno.. Il libro mette insieme 5 storie scritte da altrettante scrittrici molto note nel panorama narrativo. Meg Cabot. In this exciting collection of paranormal tales bestselling authors Stephenie Meyer Twilight Kim Harrison Once Dead Twice Shy Meg Cabot How to Be Popular Lauren Myracle ttyl and Michele Jaffe Bad Kitty take prom mishaps to a whole new levelmdasha truly hellish level. Prom Nights from Hell (2007—Short Stories from Hell) Prom Nights from Hell (2009) — Anthology Contents . Stephenie Meyer - Prom Nights from Hell Series - . My review of Prom Nights from Hell by Stephenie Meyer, Kim Harrison, Lauren Myracle, Michelle Jaffe, and Meg Cabot. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. (Young Adult , Fantasy ) Kim Harrison (Once Dead, Twice Shy), Meg Cabot (How to Be Popular), Lauren Myracle (ttyl), and Michele Jaffe (Bad Kitty) Prom Nights from Hell. A collection of short stories with five stories of supernatural, horror prom night. Young Adult UF / YA Pararnormal Romance Theme Edit. Genre and Sub-Genres Edit. Loved it!! Desc: Prom Nights from Hell is a 2009 anthology, featuring five young adult horror/romance short stories.The novellas were written respectively by Meg Cabot, Kim Harrison, Michele Jaffe, Stephenie Meyer and Lauren Myracle. PROM NIGHTS FROM HELL is an anthology composed of five paranormal romances from five young adult authors: Meg Cabot, Kim Harrison, Michele Jaffe, Stephenie Meyer, and Lauren Myracle. Prom Nights from Hell Book by Kim Harrison, Meg Cabot, and Stephenie Meyer.